Special Needs Population

Help Cameroon foundation also have special projects to support persons with special needs most importantly in area of persons with physical deformations and in area of persons with special conditions that are life-threatening.

 The first is the case of persons with physical deformations, e.g., albinism, blindness, deafness, lameness or leprosy. Such persons are segregated, stigmatized and treated as if evil and are socially marginalized in Cameroon. Some of these conditions can be fixed through corrective surgery in the national reference hospitals or abroad at high costs. But most of the affected persons are so poor that this is not an option.

At Help Cameroon foundation, we help to raise funds and arrange for such people’s required treatments because without such treatment the life prospects of the persons are marginal.  

The second case is of persons with special conditions that are life-threatening, e.g. heart conditions, diabetes, kidney conditions, cancer and so on which require very specialized follow-up and often costly care. We have facilitated the treatment of some children in this kind of condition and believe that it is an exercise needs to continue, especially for children of families that are so poor that the child would have no chance on survival otherwise. Even such a child born in a poor family needs to be given a chance to live especially if suffering from conditions that are life-threatening, but treatable.